Thursday, October 30, 2008

Internet Gratis pake XL

Last night, I try to connect to Internet direct from my mobile with ProXL card GSM and my credit is null. but I still connect to the internet with any mobile browser, like Opera, Teashark or with mobile default browser. My mobile is Sony Ericsson K510i with USB Cable data on packet. You don't need any proxy, just activate your GPRS. Its work on PC too. Follow the instruction below:

Connect directly on mobile:
1. activate your GPRS, please register to ProXL operator.
2. setting Internet profile with XL-GPRS, but don't use any proxy, don't use XL proxy!!
3. setting streaming profile with XL-GPRS, not use proxy and save
4. setting java application, not use proxy and save
5. check your credit/balance before browsing.
6. open your browser, like default mobile browser, opera, etc.
7. Good Luck.

If you any question, please write on comment.

Connect on PC:
1. make mobile become a modem, you can see the connection here or at my other blog.
2. setting your browser like IE, Mozilla or Opera with direct connection, don't use any proxy. See the image below and follow it.

Internet Explorer:

Mozilla Firefox:

3. Go Browsing and Good Luck.


  1. Bos, kok di PC ku gak bisa konek ya, padahal aku sdh daftar GPRS dan sdh aktif, gimana nih solusinya

  2. @Mardee
    Bisa mas, ntar tak buatkan versi lokalnya.

  3. bose, gmn ngatasi inet grets op lain yg lemooot bgt

  4. Mantap...ini yang gue cari,,,izin share gan...thks..
